Saturday, June 23, 2012


That's how old Brandon would have been today.  I'm feeling a little melancholy tonight, missing those big strong arms.

Monday, March 12, 2012


I missed you today my friend...its been a while. In my classroom today I started our students out on a technology unit- and your blog came to my mind as an example. We watched the video that I believe Chantel put together which is fantastic. Not only was I able to remember some great memories but also share the gospel a bit through pictures. I think about you often and am regularly assured that you are up there looking out for me. I love ya and miss ya buddy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brandon's goals

I was reading in one of Brandon's journals tonight and found a list of goals. It's not dated, but I'm guessing it was somewhere in 2007. He had a birthday card from me as a place marker. Here's a partial excerpt of his list:

*Start a Traumatic Brain Injury clinic in Albion (Idaho)
*Become public speaker
*Eat healthy
*Befriend a lot of people
*Work on memory
*Work on shoulder rehabilitation
*Buy house in Port Costa
*Buy college in Albion—convert to TBI Area
*Read more books on spiritual growth and learn how to become better person in all I do.
*Get married in temple
*Help others in all I do and say
*Set a good example in all I do
*Read 15 scriptures a day
*Learn more ASL
*Buy Cassidy better shoes
*Clean my room
*Learn Spanish fluently
*Learn chess well enough to beat Austin!
*Read more books—helping my inner soul grow!
*Live in Mexico for a time

Brandon had a good heart. He always wanted to help others and better himself. I miss him.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brandon's trip to school with me...

Today in class we were reading the news then came across an accident similar to Christopher Reeve's. We then started a small lesson on human anatomy- specifically the spinal cord and vertebrae. This topic brought up Brandon's big accident in his Z. I took the kids in our class on a walk through Brandon's life. It was great to think about him today. You know what else was great? While looking at pictures of the funeral services, a couple kids commented on how everyone was smiling instead of crying...

I'm deeply greatful for the knowledge and continual warm assurance that Brandon truly is still around and that I will see him again. I'm greatful for the person he was before and after his accident, his charisma, his love and his friendship. Thanks for hanging out in class with us today.

Quoting the very end to one of my most favorite movies, Gladiator...

I will see you again...but not yet...not yet...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dear Brandon

I miss you, big brother. It has been almost 19 months since you left us. Less than three months ago you were joined by our sweet mother. I know that you are busy up there. You must be so happy to be with Grandma and Grandpa, too.

Owen is turning eight in a few months. I was thinking that instead of buying him a new set of scriptures, I would give him yours. He'll need a new case, in blue, his favorite color. I wish you could be there for his baptism.

I miss your bear hugs, the way you would crack my back and squeeze the breath out of me with your strong arms. I miss the way you grinned and teased relentlessly. If I could go back in time and tell my teenage self that someday I'd be missing that...ha! Life is a crazy ride and I am holding on tight. I wish the Savior would hurry up and get here so we can all be together again.

Soren doesn't remember you. He knows who you are, because we talk about you often. He can identify you in a photo. But I don't think he remembers you. He was too little when you left. Not quite two when you visited last.

Owen has pictures of you on his wall. He gets a sad look on his face when we talk about you, and he gets very possessive of anything that you gave him. Even a pencil or a marker becomes special because you gave it especially to him. He's very attached to things that way. I'm glad he has things to hold onto that remind him of you. I have always been so grateful for the way that you 'uncled' him. You called often, just to talk to him. He was old enough to take the phone to his bedroom and close the door and have a private conversation with you. Thank you for reaching out to him and maintaining that special relationship.

I remember the discussion we had about being called 'Uncle.' You were trying to avoid the title because it made you feel old, but I insisted that it was what set you apart as having a special tie to my children. You were never just Brandon. Brandon could be anybody, a neighbor, a friend, somebody's dad. You had to be Uncle Brandon.

Do you remember riding in the back of Uncle Marty's white pickup truck? He used to toss nickels and dimes out the window into the bed of the truck where we would scramble gleefully to claim the money. Maybe he only did that once or twice, but it made a lasting impression on my young mind. Uncles are fun. Uncles are cool. Uncles do neat things for you. You were a great uncle.

I love you, Bruno. I miss your optimism. I miss you. Check in on us, will you?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Remembering Brandon, March 28, 2009

On March 28 we honored Brandon's memory by doing one of his very favorite things: Eating dinner at the Mecca in Pittsburg. The downtown has been undergoing renovations, but we were glad to see that the old Mecca still stands. It was good to run into Bishop Daynes, who spoke at Brandon's funeral, and his wife, Susan. We were surprised to find out it was their first visit to the Mecca! And to think that I flew cross country just to eat there! (not really). As usual the food was delicious. We ate chips and salsa and made sure to eat enough that we had to ask for seconds on the salsa. Larry, me, Rachel, Clayton and Rolan.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Closing Prayer

    Our Father in heaven,
We express gratitude for all who have helped in these services today: for the preparations, flowers, and food. At this time we've come to mourn our loss. Father we come here to gather and mourn for the loss of our beloved son, brother, cousin, nephew, uncle, and dear friend Brandon Scott Dayley.
    We are commanded to live together in love insomuch that we should weep for them that die. Brandon, in his 31 years, was an example of love, service, and kindness—especially toward those less fortunate than himself. He was known for lifting up the hands that hang down, the poor and downtrodden in spirit. Many times in his life he looked after the least of his brethren.
    This day Brandon stands before his Maker and our Maker, his God and our God.
    God be with you Brandon! God be with you till we meet again. God our Father, into they hands we commend Brandon to keep in safety, love, and peace till we meet again at Jesus' feet and we do this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.