Saturday, April 4, 2009

Closing Prayer

    Our Father in heaven,
We express gratitude for all who have helped in these services today: for the preparations, flowers, and food. At this time we've come to mourn our loss. Father we come here to gather and mourn for the loss of our beloved son, brother, cousin, nephew, uncle, and dear friend Brandon Scott Dayley.
    We are commanded to live together in love insomuch that we should weep for them that die. Brandon, in his 31 years, was an example of love, service, and kindness—especially toward those less fortunate than himself. He was known for lifting up the hands that hang down, the poor and downtrodden in spirit. Many times in his life he looked after the least of his brethren.
    This day Brandon stands before his Maker and our Maker, his God and our God.
    God be with you Brandon! God be with you till we meet again. God our Father, into they hands we commend Brandon to keep in safety, love, and peace till we meet again at Jesus' feet and we do this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Son, I love you very much. I tried writing more but it sounded as blubbery as I do when I bear my testimony...I hope you know what you mean to us, and to me. xo Mom