Sunday, November 9, 2008


Just around a month ago, I had the privilege and blessing of being invited to Larry's house to disassemble, review, and organize a room packed full of stuff that had belonged to our great friend Brandon. Plastic bags, boxes, furniture, and backpacks revealed enough pens to outline the continents. Extra napkins were stashed everywhere, as they were in his 260Z's glove box- a habit which I have adopted albeit a little more conservatively. Knife sets and cooking wear were a plenty. The man loved to cook and eat- a pastime which Brandon and I always made sure we participated in when we got together. "We'll eat like kings!", he would always say. Bags and boxes, boxes and bags, there were a lot of other things which were pulled out and discussed as to their origins.

Thank you Dayley's for letting me be involved in such an intimate time with your family. Brandon's beautiful black wool jacket will be treasured throughout my life as well as the experience I was blessed to share with you.

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